Pit to Power Station – A Personal Recollection of Coal Trains
Speaker – Chris Booth
Back in the 1990s, as Midlands and Yorkshire pit closures were underway, Chris Booth made the effort to go out and photograph some of the locations that have since been wiped off the railway map. Not stopping there, he also photographed trains taking coal into the power stations, some of which were also closing. This is a selection of those coal train photos taken in the 1990s, along with some taken in the 2000s.
All presentations are held in the Roundhouse lecture theatre commencing at 19.30 and finishing between 21.45 and 22.00. Doors open at 19.00.
Presentations are held on the third Thursday of every month unless otherwise indicated.
Hot and cold drinks are available from the buffet before 19.30 and during the interval.
Admission is normally £3.00 for members and £5.00 for non-members.
Free parking on site.
Chris Booth